Slit Beam
“Is my spooky cat living? Or did my spooky cat die?
Some questions we just cannot answer”

There’s a story (I don’t know if it’s true) about Neils Bohr, the brilliant theoretical physicist.
Mr. Bohr, it is told, kept a “lucky” horseshoe on his desk.
Once, when asked “why do you, a renowned quantum mechanics physicist and someone who is devoted to using math and science to understand the universe … why do you have a lucky horseshoe on your desk?”
His response: “ I hear it works, even if you don’t believe in it.”

Credits: “Slit Beam”
Shawn Thies: harmony vocals
Jim Mooy: trumpets
David West: wah-wah guitar, string bass
Tom Lackner: drums, Vibra-Tone
Dark Clouds (The Other Side)